I personally like using different make up products. I frequently use MAC Studio fix powder plus foundation occassionally use Queen Collection compact base foundation and less frequently use Fashion Fair stick foundation. I cant go out without foundation I have acne scars and have alot of blemishes on my face. Sometimes I have to use up to 2 products to cover the blemishes. And unfortunately after a while I can have a heavy or caked on feel if it's been a long or humid day!
I tried on the Natureluxe liquid silk foundation. It was smooth and silky to touch and very sheer as promised. I loved the feel to my face it was very light as if I had not put anything on. The only thing I didnt like was the sample product was 1-2 shades lighter than my skin tone and it did not completely cover my blemishes. I would recommend it to a person who has flawless skin.. it is the product to die for!!. Something I forgot to mention but worth mentioning is in it's listed ingredients it has Jojoba and rosehip extracts as well as a touch of cucumber water. Ingredients which work well for people who have sensitive skin or who are prone to break outs!! Another plus is it's an Oil free product and provides a SPF-10 protection.
The Naturelux Gloss Balm combines the sheer color and shine of a gloss with the soft moisturization of the Balm. It has a SPF 15 coverage which is high compared to the foundation. Unfortunately again the shade was to light but I liked the feel of the gloss and the moisture it provided. I usually wear lip gloss I am planning to getting one in my shade, very soon.
If you are interested to try out different products and provide valuable feedback why dont you join BzzAgents, too. You can sign up here . And you can befriend me, Im BzzAgent Monsoonbreezes!
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